Friday, October 10, 2008

Hello I am Bishop Bret!

Yes, its true! If you have not heard I am offically a Bishop. NO no not of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. No just a bishop in my brother in laws mind. I guess I am too preachy to him and his ordeals in life. Which makes me really sad because I thought I was just being a friend looking to help. However I was just the opposite. I know that I can be overly sarcastic and blunt on things, especially when it comes to church related matters but when its true, and I know it, and someone has served the Lord for two years but still doesn't want to believe it that is when I get irritated. Technically I blame myself on this whole matter. I was told when I left my mission to find close friends in the church and I was lucky enough to have my Cousin Danny around to help me through that rough time after coming home. At times Danny was a real lifesaver and Although he might never have known it I owe him for being there. With that said I should have been there for Spencer. But with school, a wife, and two kids. I slacked on my responsibility as a return missionary to see that other RM's make it too. I just hope that everything from here on out will get better and that I can become more to Spencer then just a preachy Bishop in his mind, but to be a close and dear friend again. All in due time is what I hope for.

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