So as of yesterday I have my Associates degree in general education. I am so excited to know that I am done with a degree of some kind. I have been working on a two years degree for the last six years. Its nice to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I was worried because I took statistics this semester and have been doing average in the class. I had one bad test that made me worry. The final was on Monday and I studied all week and weekend long to make sure I had everything down. In the test, I started to get some test stress so I was worried I would not pass. Since I just turned in my test and left I was worried for my grade. It was not until about 24 hours later I found out I had passed. I was leaving my other final when Allie texted me. I wanted to just yell out loud but the halls in the south city campus (old South High) are loud. So I didn't. I am so excited. Allie got me a teddy bear with a Balloon for a celebration. I am just happy to be done with it and know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Now I have to figure out what to do next. That could be a huge step for me.