Monday, November 30, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rivalry Week-BYU vs Utah

It that time again for the Holy War of Utah. When religion is thrown out the window, families are divided and friends become enemies. yes its time for the BYU/Utah football game. I am excited to be back at LaVell Edwards stadium again to watch the game. It has been a long time since I have been to the game. This year is even more exciting because it will be Alicen's first Rivalry game experience. She has never been to a game like this. Boy, is this going to be an eye opening experience for her, she has no idea what is in store. All the drinks thrown, dirty language used, fist fights over parking, play calls, and just being a fan of the opposing team. She is in for a treat. I keep prepping her but I don't think she even realizes the mayhem!! I am just hoping for a good game and have the cougars actually show up to play. If that happens, they are unstoppable. I just want BYU to tear things up on the field. We will have to wait until Saturday to see how the game goes. Go Cougs!!!

Have a great Turkey day!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Real SLC

Congrats to Real SLC for their win in the MLS Cup match. I wont lie about watching the game but I only watched the goal kickes at the end, just after watching the Eagles beat the Bears. It was actually really exciting to watch. I would have watched more if I knew it was still on. Those kicks are really intense. I thought for sure Real would not win the kicks with the stacked team the Galaxy have. Alicen and I where freaking out watching each kick. For them to pull off this upset is awesome for the Real team but also the state of Utah. For Real to make the playoffs and then take it all the way was exciting. What a cinderella story for Real Salt Lake, just the way sporting events should end. The underdog winning the cup. Congrats Real!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Four years is So So long

Today is my 4th year being married. I can't believe I have been married that long. Its been a great ride so far. Just like a good roller coaster, I have had my ups and downs and going all a rounds. Ha ha it all rhymes. But what a blessing it has been to have a wonderful wife and two great kids. They make my bad days better and my good days great. I am glad that I made the decisions I did four years ago to get married to my loving and beautiful wife, who has put up with me for so long. But also to have my great kids. I know I don't tell my wife how grateful I am for her and everything she does for me. But I really do appreciate her everyday. And this is just a little way to show my appreciation on such a wonderful day. Happy Anniversary honey. I love you!!

We three mice, part two

The saga continues on the mice of ICS. As I reported earlier, I put out traps and caught three mice. On Monday, while writing up a ticket for a customer he said "hey, there is a mouse running down your hallway that came from the kitchen." I thought I was done with mice. Anyway that night I moved one of my traps in the warehouse to the kitchen; just under the cabinets. Just seeing what I might catch there. Tuesday morning, as I worked at my front desk I could hear squealing. I figured it was the mice in the walls and kept doing what I was. My part time kid Andrew came into the office and heard the squealing too. He said I think you caught a mouse and its still alive. I figured I better check the trap under the cabinet. We went into the kitchen to see the mouse trap gone but could still hear the squealing. This is where it get good.
We followed the sound and found that not one but two mice have been caught on the sticky trap. One of them had gotten there tails stuck to the pad and ran with the trap, got to the closet and couldn't get to its hole, then another mouse came to help or something and got its tail stuck on the trap. So they both where stuck by the tails. They moved around so much they got our dust brush caught on the trap. So it was stuck too! We picked the brush up and along came the two mice and the trap. Andy told me to kill them but I had no idea how too. I have had all the mice dye on the pad or in a trap, I have never had them alive. So I took the brush and accessories and just throw them in the garbage out side.
I didn't know what to do. I thought about drowning them, but thought too cruel, thought about dropping a brick we have on them but too much of a mess. So I just threw them away. But that is now 6 mice in less then two weeks. I am down to one trap out of 6 and looks like I need more. Just like the customer said "if you catch 6, there are 6 more out there." I just have to say Bring It!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

TCU Style'n

So KSL wrote an article about TCU wearing a new style of jersey and uniforms for the games against Utah. Since last year Utah did a Blackout games, TCU went with this new style. I really like the Whole get up. I think they need to stick with this look all the time. I wish BYU would do something like this once a season too. Maybe a Whiteout. TCU has the right idea.

I also want to make it clear that in the game between TCU/Utah I am rooting for TCU to win. Not just because I am a cougar fan but greedy for the BCS money they will get from the game. I am sure it will be good but I think as Mountain West fans we need to suport that team that can break the BCS. So go Frogs!!!

We three mice

In the Orem store, my part time worker Andrew and I have been trying to catch a mouse that has been running around on the showroom floor but also in the warehouse. We chased it into a closet the other day but failed to catch the mouse in a cardboard tube. Last Friday (roughly Nov. 6th) I found some sticky pad mouse traps in one of the drawers, so I decided to set some out in random places and see if I would catch this mouse. If the traps failed I was going to get a free cat on KSL. On Monday morning, I decided to go see if the traps caught anything, the first trap...Nothing! Second trap....Nothing! By now I figured I had picked the wrong places. Third trap...Success!! Not only did I catch one mouse, I caught a grand total of 3 on one trap. I was so pumped that I saved it for Andrew to see. Upon further inspection, I realized what really took place on that trap. Some time on the weekend, the first mouse ran across the trap and got stuck. The second mouse came upon the trap realized the first mouse was dead and started to eat (yes, I said eat) the first mouse. It then got stuck on the sticky trap and most likely died. The third mouse came upon the trap, saw the two dead mice and started to eat the second mouse. It too got stuck and ended up dying on the sticky pad. It was incredibly gross to look at, but I was intrigued by what took place on the trap. Success is all in the eyes of the beholder and I believe this is one of those moments.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween has come and Gone!!!

Its amazing how fast holidays come and go. Halloween just came and went. We had a great Halloween though. It was a long day to say the least. We started the day getting ready and dressed up. Alicen and I dressed up as punk rocker zombies- I dyed my hair black and sprayed sparkles into it, Alicen dyed hers purple. Mckinley dressed up as a witch with purple hair and Tait was the odd ball out in a pirates outfit. We tried to spray his hair but he holds still for nothing. After we got ready, we went to the Grandparents house to show off the kids costumes and maybe get started on some candy as well. At the Kets house, we knocked on the door to no answer. My mom was in the shower, my Dad was asleep still and Jayson came and went because he was working on a Haunted house in the neighborhood. So we went inside the house and waited for everyone. My Mom came out and was surprised to see us there, the kids got pringles, candy bars and other candy. My mom filled them up!! Then it was off the the Forman's house, no one was really home there either. Mark was sick, Anna was home but getting ready her self, and Sally was M.I.A.- at the store but to be home sometime soon. Well after 40 minute and no Sally we packed up and headed home.
We where on a schedule to go home carve pumpkins, take naps and get ready to go Trick-N-Treating but we found out the Davis were going to throw there Halloween party later that night. So we had to switch our plan around just a little. We got the kids a good nap and skipped the pumpkin carving (we will be finger painting Turkeys instead on them). We also went out trick or treating a little earlier around ours house. We tried to hit all the ward members rather then every house, Kinni and Tait had a lot of fun. Kinni would say trick n treat and then Tait would say bye as we left. They got a lot of candy (even though there parents have hid it already). Once it got dark, we headed for home, put out a bowl of candy (for one kid to take) and went to the party up in Layton. It was a lot of fun. We had food, talked and just enjoyed the holiday. Its goes by so fast. The kids had fun, everyone one got candy and got dressed up. What a good Halloween. That was our Halloween this year.