Small Ride for Big Guy
With being moved back to the Salt Lake store, I will no longer be able to drive a company vehicle. Going to Orem everyday I got to drive a white Chevy pick up on company time and money. On Friday I had to give that up and go back to driving our little Ford Escort to and from work. It was quite a shock factor to drive that car again. Not only is it a manual transmission but I forgot how low it sits on the ground. At the first of two lights to get to work (3 minute commute to work if I have to stop at lights), I had a huge truck pull up next to me. I almost felt like it would run me over. My head was right about the same height as the wheel. Its scary to go from sitting high in a truck to so low in a car. I can see why short people have that so called "short man syndrome." Looking up at something bigger could be scary!!! My only comfort is knowing I spend cents on the dollar to drive the escort, where that truck just wasted gallons of gas to move that huge motor. In that aspect- victory ME!!!
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