Wednesday, October 5, 2011

7 Tech break throughs for people with disabilties

I found this article about new technology being made that will improve the lives of those with disabilities. After reading though some of the technologies that interested me was first the Cochlear implant, even though its not a new technological advancement but with the advancement of software and hardware people with hearing problems are getting a better opportunity to hear and listen to the world around them. A girl in one of my class earlier here at the UofU had one of these and she said it has been nothing but a blessing since she got her implanted and time will only show how much better the implant can get. Second, the Ibot stair climbing wheelchair how cool is that. A wheelchair that can balance itself and climb stairs making people who are wheel chair bound get up and down if places are not ADA approved. Dean Kaman who has created most of these inventions is really setting his mind to improving peoples lives with disabilities through technology and its advancements.

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